Openingstijden en dienstverlening tijdens de feestdagen

Beste Pensionklanten en gebruikers van de manege. Gedurende de feestdagen zullen er aangepaste openingstijden zijn. Er kan op alle dagen gereden worden, behalve op zondag. Zaterdag 24 December ( kerstavond ) om 17:00 gesloten Zondag 25 December ( 1e Kerstdag ) 09:00 – 16:00 Maandag 26 December ( 2e Kerstdag ) 09:00 – 16:00   Gedurende de volgende feestdagen zal […] Continue Reading

Nieuwe website Manage Schakel

Nieuwe website verhaal. Nieuwe website verhaal. Nieuwe website verhaal. Nieuwe website verhaal. Nieuwe website verhaal. Nieuwe website verhaal. Nieuwe website verhaal.

Winnaar manage Schakel Bokaal bij de paarden!

  In a recent article in Scientific American, Robert Cantu and Chris Nowinksi, directors of the Center for the Study of Traumatic Encephalophathy, explain that concussions that occur doing sports practices are often missed or misdiagnosed. However, concussions sustained during competition may be more likely to be diagnosed thanks to the presence of a trained professional, such as an EMT, who can […] Continue Reading

Papa & Mama les!

All riders are encouraged to participate in Helmet Awareness Day by spreading the word to their equestrian friends, educating themselves about the benefits of helmets, and simply going for a ride with a helmet securely fastened on the day. Additionally, Riders4Helmets will also be hosting “Get Educated” webinars throughout the day on a variety of topics: 8:00 a.m. Eastern Daylight […] Continue Reading